breast implants scotland/ cosmetic breast surgery

Breast Implants / Breast Enhancement

Welcome to Quaba Cosmetic Surgery in Edinburgh, Scotland, where we specialise in breast augmentation surgery to enhance your breasts’ size, shape, and symmetry.

Our highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons use the latest techniques and technologies to provide personalised treatment plans tailored to your needs and goals.


Breast augmentation with us

A Breast Augmentation or “boob job” is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures. It should not be undertaken lightly due to the possible lifelong maintenance that may be required. Modern breast implants mean that excellent long-term results are possible. Most women considering breast enhancement ask for a natural breast size and feel to their breasts. Silicone gel breast implants are used worldwide and generally have an excellent safety profile.

At Quaba Cosmetic Surgery, we understand that breast augmentation is a highly personal decision, and we are committed to providing a warm and welcoming environment that puts your needs and comfort first. We will take the time to listen to your concerns and goals and work closely with you to create a treatment plan that meets your individual needs and expectations.

Please find out more about our Breast Augmentation procedures below.

Breast implant overview



  • General


  • 1-2 Hours


  • Day surgery


  • 1-2 weeks off work
  • 6 weeks before strenuous exercise

Commonly asked questions

How do I choose what implant size to go for?

We use a sizing kit (see the image below) to help you decide what implant size is best for you. The sizing kit gives you and us an idea of what you want. Bringing some of your tops to see your appearance with certain implant sizes can be useful. We also use 3D imaging by Crisalix, which can visually represent what you might look like with different implants.

The type of implants (round/ anatomical or teardrop) and where we place them (above/ below the chest muscle/ dual plane) will be explained to you.

What if my breasts are also droopy?

If your breasts have become droopy, then you may be more suited to a breast enlargement combined with breast uplift (Augmentation Mastopexy). This will depend on several factors, such as the position of your nipples relative to your breast crease, what size implant you wish to have and whether you have had previous pregnancies/ weight loss.

If unsure whether you require an uplift, try our cosmetic surgery selector tool.

Will my implants have to be changed after a particular time?

Breast implants need not be replaced after a set period. However, they can cause problems over time and may need to be removed or swapped for technical (implant rupture/ tight scar tissue) or cosmetic (change in breast shape over time/ after pregnancy/ weight loss) reasons. So, it is crucial to be aware that you may require further breast surgery in the future.

Are there any alternatives to breast enlargement surgery with implants?

If you are looking for a modest increase of one cup size, fat transfer to your breasts may be an option. Fat transfer is a well-established plastic surgery procedure used in breast cancer patients for many years. Fat is removed from your tummy or thighs using liposuction. The fat is then prepared to remove blood and oil and injected into the breasts. Some of the injected fat will be lost over the first few months. The advantage of fat transfer is that you are not putting anything “foreign” or unnatural into your body. The main disadvantage is that only a modest enlargement can be achieved, and the increase in volume is not as reliable as using implants.

Is fat transfer better than getting implants?

The idea is appealing. Nothing is more natural than your own tissue, nothing foreign and no long-term problems! Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Here are the pros and cons of fat transfer and breast implants.

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a realistic option if you want an increase of ½ to 1 cup size.

Breast augmentation using implants is a more reliable choice if you want more than a cup size increase.

Fat transfer alone will not correct significant droopiness of the breasts (nipples at or below the breast crease).

The advantages of fat transfer breast augmentation

Natural: Only uses your body’s tissues.

No Implants: Avoids implant risks, such as implant rupture and capsular contracture.
Can recontour the body: The liposuction used to harvest fat can reshape the body.

Avoids noticeable scarring: Only tiny incisions are used to harvest and inject fat.

The disadvantages of fat transfer breast augmentation

  • Limited augmentation.
  • Reabsorption of fat: Even in the best hands, the body will lose some of the transferred fat.
  • There is a chance that a large percentage of the transferred fat will be resorbed, with the result falling below expectations and the need for multiple treatments.
  • Fat transfer is not effective in correcting droopiness
  • More expensive. Fat transfer augmentation involves two procedures (liposuction plus breast augmentation) and is usually more expensive than breast augmentation using implants. Additional costs will be incurred should a repeat treatment prove necessary.


  • You may not have enough fat to transfer to your breasts.
  • You may be happy with your figure and wish to keep it the same.
  • You may have enough fat for one transfer. What if you need a repeat treatment?

Would you consider breast implants instead of fat transfer?

Breast implants have these advantages over fat transfer:

  • Implants can provide a more substantial augmentation compared to fat transfer.
  • Implants can provide more cleavage (i.e. fullness of the upper pole of the breast) compared to fat transfer.
  • Implants provide more consistent results, as fat resorption is impossible.
  • Implants usually cost less than fat transfer.

A face-to-face consultation remains the best way to discuss your options and assess whether you are a candidate for breast augmentation by fat transfer.

See the new you in 3D before the procedure

We can generate 3D images using a variety of implant sizes and profiles to show you how you might look after surgery. This is a powerful educational tool; you can access the 3D planning at home.

Here are some of the key advantages of 3D imaging:

More Accurate Planning: With 3D imaging, your plastic surgeon can create a detailed, three-dimensional model of your breasts, allowing for more accurate planning and visualisation of the final results.

Personalised Treatment: 3D imaging lets your plastic surgeon show you what different implant sizes and shapes would look like on your body, helping you decide the best option for your unique needs and goals.

Improved Communication: 3D imaging allows for improved communication between you and your plastic surgeon, as you can see a realistic simulation of the final results before the surgery.

Reduced Anxiety: With 3D imaging, you can better understand what to expect from your breast augmentation surgery, reducing anxiety and increasing confidence in the procedure.

If you are interested in breast augmentation surgery, ask your plastic surgeon about their use of 3D imaging technology.


3D breast scans

What are the risks?

Surgery is carried out under a general anaesthetic as a day case. The risks of general anaesthesia include clots to the legs and lungs, and we take precautions to minimise this risk. Other risks include chest infection, and the risks of a severe complication under general anaesthesia are less than 1 in 100,000.

The risks of breast augmentation surgery itself include:


Bleeding and a possible return to theatre to deal with this (approximately 1 or 2 out of every 100 patients).


In less than 2 out of every 100 patients, the implant may become infected – this will require removing the implant and replacement no sooner than three months afterwards.


All scars are permanent. The scars are usually placed in the breast crease and measure approximately 5cm long. They typically settle very well but may be red for up to 6 months and rarely can be thickened and itchy (keloid scarring).

Under or over-correction

We cannot guarantee the final size or cup size, but we will always do our best to get you to the size you require. I will not place implants too large for your breast tissue, as this increases the risk of you having problems further down the line.


A degree of asymmetry is common before surgery; if this is the case, it will be pointed out to you. After your surgery, the asymmetry may remain and, in some cases, can be more noticeable.

Capsular contracture

Capsular contracture is the most frequent complication of breast implants and occurs when the capsule or scar that forms around the implant becomes thicker and starts to contract. This can make the breast feel firmer than it should and cause tenderness and distortion of the implant. The risk of noticeable firmness can happen in 1 out of every ten patients). The chance of needing a further operation is about 1% a year. So, after ten years, about 1 in 10 women will have had revision surgery for capsular contracture (the risk with Motiva implants is thought to be much lower than this).

Changes in sensation

Some altered sensation in the breasts after breast augmentation surgery is common. This usually relates to numbness near the scar and oversensitivity of the nipples. This gradually settles down but may take several months to do so. Permanent numbness to the nipples can occur, but this is rare.

Feeling or seeing the implants under the skin

In thin patients, it is common to feel the edges of the implants. This is less likely in patients who start with a reasonable amount of their own tissue covering the implant. Over time some women may see or feel ripples or folds in their implants, particularly when leaning forwards. This risk can be reduced by placing the implants under the muscle where appropriate and ensuring that the implants are not too large.

Implant rupture/ failure

Modern breast implants are designed to last for life. They do not need to be replaced unless there is a specific problem, such as capsular contracture. A small number of implants may rupture (around 1 in 10). This poses no health risks. In many cases, the leak is contained within the capsule, and the patient does not notice a problem. Some patients will see a change in the implant’s size, shape, or consistency. A lump might appear, and the breast may look swollen. A scan will usually be carried out, and if this suggests the implant has ruptured, removal and exchange of the implant will be recommended.

Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL)

Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) is a rare breast cancer associated with breast implants. The risk with the implants we use is estimated to be around 1 in 60,000. Most cases can be cured by removing the implants and the capsule around them.

Breast Implant Illness  (BII)

There is currently no firm evidence that the silicone used in breast implants can cause medical harm. However, some patients experience several symptoms, including aches and pains, which improve when their silicone breast implants are removed. This is an area that is still being investigated. Further information can be found from BAAPS here.

Change in cosmetic appearance

The appearance of your breasts is likely to change naturally over time, which may be the case if you have future pregnancies or breastfeed. Fluctuations in weight can also impact long-term results.

Lifelong maintenance

Please remember that you will need to fund any revision surgery after one year if you experience problems. The cosmetic outcomes can be affected by further pregnancies/ fluctuations in weight/ natural ageing, and issues directly related to the implants (or a combination of the two).

Potential benefits of breast augmentation

Improved self-esteem: Many women feel more confident and self-assured after breast augmentation surgery. They may feel more comfortable in their clothing and more willing to participate in activities they once avoided due to self-consciousness.

Feel less out of proportion: Breast augmentation surgery can improve the balance and proportions of your body, especially if you have a small bust relative to your hips and waist.

Improved symmetry: Breast augmentation surgery can improve and, in some cases, correct asymmetry, creating a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Restored breast volume after pregnancy or weight loss: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight loss can cause the breasts to lose volume and sag. Breast augmentation surgery can restore the breasts’ shape and volume.

Less restricted clothing choice: Women who have had breast augmentation surgery often find they can buy clothing that fits better and feels more comfortable.

It’s important to note that breast augmentation surgery is a personal decision, and the potential advantages may vary from person to person. You need to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss the procedure’s potential benefits and risks based on your circumstances.

View before and after gallery
Potential benefits of breast augmentation

Understanding breast implants

What are the main types of breast implant?

There are two main types of breast implants as defined by their filler material: Saline solution or Silicone gel.

Both have shells made of silicone elastomer (a rubber-like material composed of silicone). Saline implants are filled with sterile saline solution during surgery. Silicone implants are pre-filled with cohesive medical-grade silicone gel. Saline implants are rarely used in Europe as they do not feel as natural as silicone implants.

The undersurface of an implant contains useful information

The manufacturer’s details, size and serial numbers are printed on the implant’s base. This can be helpful during surgery when replacing implants in women who do not have the details of their original implants.

What are the different types of breast implant surface (shell)?

A breast implant’s surface (or shell) can be smooth, micro-textured or textured. Surgeons in Europe have traditionally used textured implants, whereas surgeons in the USA have used smooth surface implants.

A recent shift has occurred from heavily textured implants to smooth or micro (nano) textured implants. This is due to the association of textured breast implants with a rare breast implant-associated cancer – Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma.

We use nano-textured implants made by Motiva. These are categorised as smooth implants.


Motiva breast implants

What are the different shapes of breast implants?

Round breast implants are the most commonly used shape for cosmetic breast enlargement. The other shape of implants is known as anatomical (or teardrop). Anatomical implants must be textured to reduce the chance of them rotating. They can be useful in a particular subset of patients where the surgeon is trying to fill out extra loose tissue at the lower part of the breast.

Round implants assume a teardrop shape after implantation. Several studies show that people (including surgeons) cannot differentiate between patients with round or tear-shaped breast implants.

How is breast implant size described?

The size of a particular breast implant is described by its volume in millilitres (ml) or (cc)—popular sizes of breast implants range from around 250ml to 400ml. For any shape, there are many sizes which go up by small amounts, say 15-20ml.


Is there a correlation between the size of the implant and the increase in the cup size?

1. There is no clear link between the size of the implant and the increase in the cup size of a particular patient after surgery.

2. No formula can precisely predict the change in cup size. A surgeon can make an educated guess but never promise a specific cup size.

Here are some reasons:

A. Manufacturers make bras to their particular standard, meaning that the same person may be measured as a C cup from one manufacturer and a D or DD cup from another.

B. Different ways of measuring breast size lead to different cup sizes for the same person.

C . There are variations in how women like to wear their bras (loose, tight, padded, etc.), which can influence how the cup size changes after surgery.

So the same-sized breast implant will affect cup size differently in different women. For example, it may only enhance the upper part of the breasts in one woman (same bra cup but filled), increase cup size by one in another woman, and change it by two cup sizes in a third.

What to expect and breast implant aftercare

Discomfort/ Pain

Some pain is typical in the first few days after surgery, especially if your implants have been placed under the muscle. You may experience some numbness around your nipples and incision areas. You may experience temporary soreness, tightness, swelling and bruising, and discomfort in the incision area. Your breasts may be sensitive to stimulation for a few weeks.

Bruising/ swelling

Your breast will feel tight and swollen for several days, and bruising is not uncommon.


Most of the swelling will subside in 4-6 weeks.

Scars may be red-looking for six months. In time, these usually soften and fade.

Your breasts will drop by 1-2cm over six months.

Your final result should be judged at six months.

Please visit our aftercare page for detailed post-operative instructions following your surgery. This page will also help you with your preparation in terms of what to expect after surgery.

Explore breast implants aftercare
What to expect and breast implant aftercare

Breast augmentation – Outstanding results


Mr Quaba (Omar) took time to understand what I was looking to achieve and guided me on what would be the best results for my physique and body shape.
I am athletic and wanted a really natural result and Mr Quaba genuinely exceeded my expectations. Thoroughly professional, down to earth and understanding of your requirements.


Realself May 2019