Before and after gallery: post weight losss
It is not uncommon for patients who have had massive weight loss to require several procedures. Combined surgery requires careful consultation and planning. Commonly asked for operations include abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), augmentation mastopexy (breast lift with the insertion of implants to restore volume), thigh lifts, buttock lifts and arm lifts and facelift/neck lift.
Fleur de lis tummy tuck
This 50-year-old patient underwent a Fleur de Lis abdominoplasty combined with liposuction to the mons area after losing 7 stones following a gastric sleeve procedure. The surgery removed 1,475 grams of excess tissue, addressing significant skin laxity and restoring body contour. At the 7-month review, the patient had a smooth recovery, maintained a stable weight, and was delighted with the transformative results.
Post gastric sleeve tummy tuck and breast uplift
This young lady lost 9 stone in weight after a gastric sleeve procedure. She also had one child, and her family was complete. She had a breast uplift (skin tightening and nipple repositioning only) and a full tummy tuck procedure. Her BMI at the time of surgery was 19.
She has a lovely result at 6 months.
Tummy tuck with other procedures after bariatric surgery
The patient below had a combination of body contouring procedures. She had a full abdominoplasty with repair of her abdominal muscles (for divarication of the rectus muscles). She also had a breast uplift and liposuction to contour her waist and back. Results are shown at six months. The patient had lost significant weight following weight loss (bariatric) surgery.
Breast lift and tummy tuck
The before and after photos below are those of a patient who had a breast lift (mastopexy) and a tummy tuck after massive weight loss. She did not wish to have breast implants to restore volume. Note the extent of the scar following the tummy tuck procedure – it extends around the side to avoid having to put a vertical scar in the midline. Also, note that a tummy tuck cannot remove stretch marks above the belly button.
Tummy tuck with repair of a hernia after massive weight loss
The patient below is in her early 60s. She had surgery (bariatric weight loss surgery) 8 years previously to help her lose weight (midline scar on her abdomen). She lost seven stone in weight but was subsequently left with a huge hernia and abdominal apron. She had excision of her abdominal apron using a tummy tuck technique (which weighed 3.6kg) and repair of her hernia using a mesh. She also had liposuction and a pubic lift. Results are shown at six months. Note the midline vertical scar is a pre-existing scar from her previous surgery.
Tummy tuck after significant weight loss
The before and after photos below are of two different patients who had a tummy tuck. They illustrate the typical scars following an abdominoplasty. Note the low lying scar and the scar around the belly button. The results are shown six months postoperatively.
Photo disclaimer
All post-weight loss plastic surgery before and after photos are of patients who consent to their images being published on this site. Quaba Plastic Surgery has operated on all patients. No claims are made that results are guaranteed to be the same. Results will vary by the individual patient, and no guarantees are made.
Mummy makeover – Breast reduction and tummy tuck
I am now a little over a year breast reduction/tummy tuck post op, and couldn’t speak any more highly of my experience with Omar Quaba.
From my first consultation to my final follow up, the level of care and detail was wonderful. I was listened to and carefully advised every step of the way, and Omar took great care to find the perfect balance between what I was seeking and what he knew would yield the best results.
My recovery wasn’t entirely straightforward, with the superficial healing taking around 10 weeks. However, this was down to how my body reacted to the some of the stitches, and not a reflection of my surgery or surgeon. I really felt well looked after, and that Omar went above and beyond to keep track of my longer recovery, scheduling additional follow ups with him directly, coming in to attend my nurse check ups on his days away from the hospital, and even asking his father, the renowned Mr Awf Quaba, to check up on me when he wasn’t able to. Its also very obvious how well regarded Omar is amongst staff in the hospital. I remember numerous comments from nurses during my immediate recovery about how he in particular uses the best methods and post care products, it was clear that I was “one of Omar’s”. This was tremendously reassuring in those first few hazy hours after surgery!
The nurses and everybody at Spire Murrayfield were fantastic. The only slight negative was that some of the admin left a lot to be desired – being called in on incorrect days etc.
Now that everything is fully settled, I am delighted with my results. It’s a big adjustment to have a new body, no matter how long you’ve dreamt of it. Emerging from the psychological and social weight of having very large breasts requires another very different type of recovery, and perhaps more could be done to warn you of this. However, every second of it is worth it, just be prepared for that journey!
It is so clear that you are not just another surgery to Omar, his work is his art, and by helping me to reclaim my body after two children and a lifetime of having ridiculously huge breasts, he has truly given me a life.